Xml Validation Interoperability Framework (xvif) is a proposal to embed pipe definitions in grammar based schema languages such as Relax NG (and probably W3C XML Schema). The current implementation is built on a partial implementation of Relax NG supporting the features needed to consitute a representative proof of concept. It is available both as downloadable Python source documents (under a MPL open source licence) and as an online demonstration. Discussion on xvif may be carried on xmlschemata@xmlschemata.org (archives: http://lists.xmlschemata.org/xmlschemata/). Although there is no endorcement of any kind by the DSDL ISO initiative (http://dsdl.org), one of my goal with this prototype is to gather feedback which may be used (or not) by "DSDL Part 1 - Interoperability Framework". - Online demo: tryMe.cgi - More info: xvif.html Eric van der Vlist vdv@dyomedea.com